Dear Coaches, Athletes and Parents,
Pembroke Athtleta Athletics & Triathlon will be holding a GET TOGETHER to socialise and kindle the Christmas and New Year’s Spirit. This social event, a Sunday Buffet Lunch will take place on Sunday 13th December 2015, 12.30 pm at Paradise Bay Resort Hotel, Cirkewwa. Other relatives are most welcome to join!
Our club, wishes that all the coaches, athletes and family members will attend this social event.
The closing date is Tuesday 8th December. This is important to give us ample time to put forward our orders.
Coaches are urged to forward this flyer to their athletes and encourage them to book with their families.
Another Christmas and New Year’s PARTY will be organised for the Pembroke Nursery Cubs & Kids ( 6-10 yrs. ).
Whilst wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2016,
Best regards,
Victor Camilleri – President
Pembroke Athleta Athletics & Triathlon – 99255595
To view the Menu and other relative information, kindly follow this link : Pembroke Athleta Christmas 2015 Sunday lunch