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Writer's pictureKurt Mizzi

National Athletic sprint Ladies qualify for Commonwealth Games

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After having witnessed the magical long jump record by Rebecca Camilleri on 1st June 2014 – which had also surpassed the long jump MQS for Commonwealth games, the 4x100m ladies were up next to seal their ticket to commonwealth games. The leading Maltese female sprinters (pictured below: Rebecca Camilleri, Rebecca Sare’, Annalise Vassallo, Francesca Borg, Nicole Attard Glivau, Diane Borg, Janet Richards), coached by Mario Bonnello, dedicated weeks of training to improve the baton changeovers – which are very crucial in the relay event. For the final event of the national championships, the tension could be felt – the girls had to bring together weeks of training, and pass safely the baton from start to finish in the one lap relay. The MQS for Commonwealth Games was set as 46.96 and these ladies, Rebecca Camilleri, Diane Borg, Rebecca Sare’ and Annalise Vassallo clocked 46.78, successfully achieving the MQS. This shows what a committed team of athletes may achieve together. Well done girls, especially Rebecca Sare’ and Rebecca Camilleri who have been raised from our Pembroke Athleta grass roots.


National Team Sprints Ladies – Rebecca Camilleri, Rebecca Sare’, Annalise Vasallo, Francesca Borg, Nicole Attard-Glivau, Diane Borg, Janet Richards.

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